Korean House and Furniture Vocabulary

Korean House | Rooms Of The House And Furniture In Korean

Learning the parts of the house in Korean and vocabulary about Korean furniture can be very useful, especially if you’re living in Korea. In this vocabulary lesson, you will learn the different rooms of the house in Korean, plus the Korean words for furniture, and appliances you find in a Korean House. Below, you will also find free printable flashcards and a worksheet to help you learn these words.

Rooms Of The House In Korean

First, let’s learn the words for the rooms of the house in Korean. Here is a list of rooms you can find in a Korean house.

  • 집 [jib] = house/home
  • 방[bang] = room
  • 침실 [chim-sil] = bedroom
  • 거실 [geo-sil] = living room
  • 부엌 [bu-eok] = kitchen
  • 주방 [ju-bang] = kitchen (Sino-Korean Word)
  • 욕실 [yok-sil] = bathroom
  • 화장실 [hwa-jang-sil] = toilet/restroom
  • 서재 [seo-jae] = study
  • 다락 [da-rak] = attic
  • 지하실 [ji-ha-sil] = basement
  • 차고 [cha-go] = garage

Furniture In Korean

Next, let’s learn the words for furniture in Korean. Here is a list of furniture you can find in a Korean house.

  • 가구 [ga-gu] = furniture
  • 소파 [so-pa] = sofa
  • 의자 [eui-ja] = chair
  • 탁자 [tak-ja] = table
  • 책상 [chaek-sang] = desk
  • 책장 [chaek-jang] = bookcase
  • 옷장 [ot-jang] = wardrobe
  • 침대 [chim-dae] = bed
  • 문 [mun] = door
  • 창문 [chang-mun] = window
  • 벽 [byeok] = wall
  • 바닥 [ba-dak] = floor
  • 계단 [gye-dan] = stairs

Appliances In Korean

Next, let’s learn the words for different appliances in Korean. Here is a list of appliances you can find in a Korean house.

  • 텔레비전 [tel-le-bi-jeon] = television
  • 전자레인지 [jeon-ja-re-in-ji] = microwave
  • 오븐 [o-beun] = oven
  • 냉장고 [naeng-jang-go] = refrigerator
  • 식기세척기 [sik-gi-se-cheok-gi] = dishwasher
  • 청소기 [cheong-so-gi] = vacuum cleaner
  • 세탁기 [se-tak-gi] = washing machine
  • 믹서 [mik-seo] = blender
  • 토스터 [to-seu-teo] = toaster
  • 가스 레인지 [ga-seu re-in-ji] = gas range
  • 에어컨 [e-eo-keon] = air conditioner
  • 공기 청정기 [gong-gi cheong-jeong-gi] = air purifier
  • 가습기 [ga-seup-gi] = humidifier


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