Pictures of various kinds of bag with the title "Bag In Korean"

The Correct Way To Say “Bag” In Korean

There are several different ways to say “bag” in Korean, and the one you use obviously depends on which kind of bag you are talking about. In this lesson, we will teach you how to say “bag” in Korean and teach you how to say the different kinds of bag, such as a handbag, plastic bag, backpack, trash bag, etc, so you can know which Korean word for ‘bag’ to use in various different situations.

How To Say Bag In Korean

The Korean word for ‘bag’ is 가방 [ga-bang]. 가방 is used to refer to a bag or a handbag in a general sense. It can be used in a wide range of contexts. For instance, “학교 가방” [hak-gyo ga-bang] would mean “school bag,” “여행 가방” [yeo-haeng ga-bang] would mean “travel bag,” and “쇼핑 가방” [syo-ping ga-bang) would mean “shopping bag.”

Bag In Korean - 가방

Here are some example sentences using the word 가방 (bag):

  • 제 가방을 보셨나요? = Have you seen my bag?
  • 그녀는 가방을 어깨에 메고 있습니다. = She is carrying a bag on her shoulder.
  • 이 가방은 무겁습니다. = This bag is heavy.
  • 제가 가방을 잊어버렸어요. = I forgot my bag.
  • 그는 책을 가방에 넣었습니다. = He put the book in the bag.
  • 학교 가방이 어디에 있나요? = Where is the school bag?
  • 새로운 가방을 사고 싶어요. = I want to buy a new bag.
  • 가방 안에는 무엇이 있나요? = What’s in the bag?
  • 그녀는 가방에서 지갑을 꺼냈습니다. = She took out her wallet from the bag.
  • 가방이 찢어졌어요. = The bag is torn.

The Different Types of Bags In Korean

It’s important to learn the names of the different types of bags in Korean so that you can use the appropriate word in different situations. If you were, for example, to ask for a 가방 when you want a plastic or shopping bag in a Korean store, then the store assistant might think you want her handbag! Here are the names of the different kinds of bags in Korean:

Shopping Bag In Korean

Shopping Bag In Korean

In situations when you want to talk about a ‘shopping bag’ in Korean, the word 봉투 [bong-tu] is used. 봉투 is used to refer to a bag or a sack, especially ones made of paper or plastic. It’s often used to refer to shopping bags or grocery bags that you might get at a store. If you want to ask for a shopping bag at the counter after you have purchased your items, you can say 봉투를 주세요 [bong-tu-reul ju-se-yo].

Plastic Bag In Korean

Plastic Bag In Korean

Once you have learned the word 봉투, then it is really easy to say ‘plastic bag’ in Korean. Plastic bag in Korean is 비닐 봉투 [bi-nil bong-tu]. If you want to ask for a plastic bag at the store you can say 비닐 봉투를 주세요 [bi-nil bong-tu-reul ju-se-yo].

Paper Bag In Korean

Paper Bag In Korean

Just like the word for ‘plastic bag’, the word for ‘paper bag’ in Korean also uses the word 봉투. Paper bag in Korean is 종이 봉투 [jon-gi bong-tu). Here, 종이 means ‘paper’, and 봉투 means ‘bag’.

Trash Bag In Korean

Trash Bag In Korean

If you weren’t aware, in Korea, they use specific bags for trash. You can buy these trash bags at the supermarket or at the local convenience store. It is not allowed to throw away trash in any other bags because when you pay for these bags, you are paying towards the cost of disposing of the trash. So, the people who make more trash pay more.

As such it is important to learn the word for trash bag in Korean. Trash bag in Korean is 쓰레기 봉투 [sseu-regi bong-tu]. Here, 쓰레기 means trash or garbage, and 봉투 means bag.

Backpack In Korean

Backpack In Korean

The Korean term for backpack is 배낭 [bae-nang]. However, in everyday conversation, many people also use the term 백팩 [baek-pak], which is a ‘Konglish Word‘, borrowed from English.

Suitcase In Korean

Suitcase In Korean

The Korean term for suitcase is 여행가방 [yeo-haeng ga-bang] or 캐리어 [kae-ri-eo]. 여행가방 literally means ‘travel bag’, while 캐리어 is a transliteration of the English word ‘carrier’ and is often used to refer to a suitcase, especially a rolling suitcase.

Common Phrases To Use With ‘Bag’ In Korean

Now that you know how to say ‘bag’ in Korean, try these common phrases that use 가방:

  • 가방을 열다 = Open the bag.
  • 가방을 닫다 = Close the bag.
  • 가방을 채우다 = Fill the bag.
  • 가방을 비우다 = Empty the bag.
  • 가방을 찾다 = Look for the bag.
  • 가방을 가지고 다니다 = Carry the bag around.
  • 가방을 버리다 = Throw away the bag.
  • 가방을 사다 = Buy a bag.
  • 가방을 팔다 = Sell the bag.
  • 가방이 무거워요 = The bag is heavy.
  • 가방이 가볍습니다 = The bag is light.
  • 가방을 꾸미다 = Decorate the bag.
  • 가방을 정리하다 = Organize the bag.
  • 가방에 넣다 = Put it in the bag.
  • 가방을 들다 = Carry a bag.
  • 가방을 잃어버렸어 = I lost my bag.

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