Korean Age Calculator | Easily Calculate Your Korean Age
Did you know age is counted differently in Korea? Age is a hugely important part of Korean culture, and a person’s age often determines how you interact with that person when speaking Korean. Below, we’re going to explain how to calculate your Korean age and why Korean age is different. We’ll also provide a Korean age calculator so you can quickly find out your Korean age.
Korean Age Calculator
Want to know your Korean age quickly? Use this Korean age calculator:
Why Is Korean Age Different?
There are two reasons why Korean age is different from ‘international age’. First, in Korea, when a baby is born, the baby is considered already one year old. Second, on January 1st each year, everyone becomes one year older. So this means, depending on when your birthday is, your Korean age will be one or two years older than your international age.
How To Calculate Korean Age
Here is the easiest way to calculate your Korean age: First, take your ‘international age’ and then add one year if your birthday has already passed that year, or add two years if your birthday has not passed that year.
For example, imagine today’s date is August 15th 2022. Someone who was born in July 2002 would have an international age of 20 and a Korean age of 21. This is because their birthday has already passed and so they simply add 1 year to their international age to calculate their Korean age. Someone who was born in September 2002 would have an international age of 19 and a Korean age of 21. This is because their birthday has not passed yet and so 2 years are added to their international age to calculate their Korean age.

Learn More
Now that you know why Korean age is different and how to calculate Korean age, learn more with these related resources:
Happy Birthday In Korean
How To Write The date In Korean
Popular Korean Names