100 Korean Verbs For Beginners
Learning the most common Korean verbs will drastically improve your ability to make Korean sentences and communicate effectively in Korean. On this page, you can find a list of 100 most common Korean verbs for beginners.
These 100 Korean verbs for beginners are divided into 10 sections, each with 10 different Korean verbs to learn. In each section, you will find a list of 10 Korean verbs with the English meaning. You’ll also find a printable verbs list worksheet that you can download to help you learn these verbs. If you would like to hear how to pronounce these verbs, check out the video from our Korean teacher Arah below.
Korean Verbs For Beginners
Before we look at this list of 100 Korean verbs for beginners, it is important to note that some of these are technically adjectives. In Korean, the base form of adjectives are written, just like verbs, in the infinitive form with the ending 다. For example, 싸다 is the adjective ‘cheap’ in the infinitive form (to be cheap). Some Korean textbooks refer to adjectives in the base form as ‘descriptive verbs’.
While you are learning Korean verbs it is important to remember which ones are adjectives because adjectives and verbs use different particles and some Korean verb conjugations are not possible with these ‘descriptive verbs’. You can’t, for example, use the imperative form ~으세요 with these descriptive verbs or conjugate them with ~고 싶어요 (want).
In the list of Korean verbs below the descriptive verbs have been marked with (adj).
Verbs 1-10
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
하다 [ha-da] | to do |
가다 [ga-da] | to go |
오다 [o-da] | to come |
먹다 [meok-da] | to eat |
사다 [sa-da] | to buy |
만나다 [man-na-da] | to meet |
보다 [bo-da] | to see |
주다 [ju-da] | to give |
있다 [it-tta] | to exist / to have |
없다 [eop-da] | to not exist / to not have |

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Verbs 11-20
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
자다 [ja-da] | to sleep |
읽다 [ik-tta] | to read |
쓰다 [sseu-da] | to write |
살다 [sal-da] | to live |
만들다 [man-deul-da] | to make |
좋다 (adj) [jo-ta] | to be good |
좋아하다 [jo-a-ha-da] | to like |
알다 [al-da] | to know |
모르다 [mo-reu-da] | to not know |
생각하다 [saeng-gak-ha-da] | to think |

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Verbs 21-30
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
듣다 [deud-da] | to listen |
말하다 [mal-ha-da] | to speak |
배우다 [bae-u-da] | to learn |
공부하다 [gong-bu-ha-da] | to study |
일어나다 [i-reo-na-da] | to get up |
앉다 [an-da] | to sit |
웃다 [ut-tta] | to laugh |
울다 [ul-da] | to cry |
걷다 [geod-da] | to walk |
달리다 [dal-li-da] | to run |

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Verbs 31-40
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
입다 [ib-da] | to wear |
춤추다 [chum-chu-da] | to dance |
운전하다 [un-jeon-ha-da] | to drive |
타다 [ta-da] | to ride |
주문하다 [ju-mun-ha-da] | to order |
찍다 [jjik-da] | to take (a picture) |
빌리다 [bil-li-da] | to borrow |
전화하다 [jeon-hwa-ha-da] | to telephone |
가르치다 [ga-reu-chi-da] | to teach |
청소하다 [cheong-so-ha-da] | to clean |

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Verbs 41-50
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
멀다 (adj) [meol-da] | to be far |
가깝다 (adj) [ga-ggap-da] | to be close |
놀다 [nol-da] | to play |
도와주다 [do-hwa-ju-da] | to help |
찾다 [chat-da] | to find |
열다 [yeol-da] | to open |
닫다 [dat-tta] | to close |
멈추다 [meom-chu-da] | to stop |
덥다 (adj) [deop-da] | to be hot |
춥다 (adj) [chup-da] | to be cold |

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Verbs 51-60
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
싫다 (adj) [sil-ta] | to be hateful |
눕다 [nup-da] | to lie down |
어렵다 (adj) [eo-ryeop-da] | to be difficult |
쉽다 (adj) [sip-da] | to be easy |
잡다 [jap-da] | to grab / catch |
놀라다 [nol-la-da] | to be surprised |
고르다 [go-reu-da] | to choose |
빠르다 (adj) [bba-reu-da] | to be fast |
느리다 (adj) [neu-ri-da] | to be slow |
물어보다 [mu-reo-bo-da] | to ask |

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Verbs 61-70
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
자르다 [ja-reu-da] | to cut |
받다 [bat-da] | to receive |
보내다 [bo-nae-da] | to send |
다르다 (adj) [da-reu-da] | to be different |
귀엽다 (adj) [gwi-yeop-da] | to be cute |
믿다 [mit-da] | to believe |
팔다 [pal-da] | to sell |
기다리다 [gi-da-ri-da] | to wait |
무섭다 (adj) [mu-seop-da] | to be scary |
바꾸다 [ba-ggu-da] | to change |

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Verbs 71-80
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
나가다 [na-ga-da] | to go out |
들어오다 [deu-reo-o-da] | to come in |
필요하다 (adj) [pi-ryo-ha-da] | to be needed |
일하다 [il-ha-da] | to work |
쉬다 [si-da] | to rest |
운동하다 [un-dong-ha-da] | to exercise |
산책하다 [san-chaek-ha-da] | to go for a walk |
요리하다 [yo-ri-ha-da] | to cook |
이야기하다 [i-ya-gi-ha-da] | to talk |
걱정하다 [geok-jeong-ha-da] | to worry |

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Verbs 81-90
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
준비하다 [jun-bi-ha-da] | to prepare |
크다 (adj) [keu-da] | to be big |
작다 (adj) [jak-da] | to be small |
아프다 (adj) [a-peu-da] | to be sick |
끝나다 [ggeut-na-da] | to end / finish |
예쁘다 (adj) [ye-ppeu-da] | to be pretty |
밀다 [mil-da] | to push |
당기다 [dang-gi-da] | to pull |
같다 (adj) [gat-da] | to be the same |
죽다 [juk-da] | to die |

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Verbs 91-100
Korean Verb | English Meaning |
누르다 [nu-reu-da] | to press |
거짓말하다 [geo-jit-mal-ha-da] | to lie |
약속하다 [yak-sok-ha-da] | to promise |
기억하다 [gi-eok-ha-da] | to remember |
시작하다 [si-jak-ha-da] | to start |
사용하다 [sa-yong-ha-da] | to use |
대답하다 [dae-dap-ha-da] | to answer |
소개하다 [so-gae-ha-da] | to introduce |
출발하다 [chul-bal-ha-da] | to depart |
도착하다 [do-chak-ha-da] | to arrive |

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