Animals In Korean

Animals In Korean | Animal Names In Korean With English Meaning

In this vocabulary lesson, you will learn the names of animals in Korean. The below list of animals in Korean includes the names of animals in Korean with the English meaning. The word for ‘animal’ in Korean is 동물. To make it easier for you to learn these Korean words, the animals in Korean below are divided into pets (애완 동물), zoo animals (동물원 동물), sea animals (바다 동물), and farm animals (가축).

This list of animals in Korean also includes free printable flashcards and worksheets to help you learn and memorize these words.

Pets In Korean

Here is a list of pets in Korean:

Pets In KoreanEnglish Meaning
고양이 [go-yang-i]cat
새끼고양이 [sae-kki-go-yang-i]kitten
개 [gae]dog
강아지 [gang-a-ji]puppy
토끼 [to-kki]rabbit
햄스터 [haem-seu-teo]hamster
금붕어 [geum-bung-eo]goldfish
앵무새 [aeng-mu-sae]parrot
뱀 [baem]snake
기니피그 [gi-ni-pi-geu]guinea pig

Zoo Animals In Korean

Here is a list of zoo animals in Korean:

Zoo Animals In KoreanEnglish Meaning
곰 [gom]bear
호랑이 [ho-rang-i]tiger
사자 [sa-ja]lion
얼룩말 [eol-luk-mal]zebra
코끼리 [ko-kki-rl]elephant
원숭이 [won-sung-i]monkey
기린 [gi-rin]giraffe
치타 [chi-ta]cheetah
고릴라 [go-ril-la]gorilla
펭귄 [peng-gwin]penguin

Sea Animals In Korean

Here is a list of sea animals in Korean:

Sea Animals In KoreanEnglish Meaning
고래 [go-rae]whale
돌고래 [dol-go-rae]dolphin
상어 [sang-eo]shark
물개 [mul-gae]seal
거북이 [geo-bu-gi]turtle
오징어 [o-jing-eo]squid
문어 [mun-eo]octopus
장어 [jang-eo]eel
가오리 [ga-o-ri]stingray
물고기 [mul-go-gi]fish

Farm Animals In Korean

Here is a list of farm animals in Korean:

Farm Animals In KoreanEnglish Meaning
암탉 [am-tak]hen
수탉 [su-tak]rooster
소 [so]cow
돼지 [dwae-ji]pig
양 [yang]sheep
오리 [o-ri]duck
닭 [dak]chicken
말 [mal]horse
칠면조 [chil-myeon-jo]turkey
쥐 [jwi]mouse


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