Months In Korean | Korean Vocabulary Lesson
The months of the year in Korean are:
- 일월 [i-rwol] = January
- 이월 [i-wol] = February
- 삼월 [sam-wol] = March
- 사월 [sa-wol] = April
- 오월 [o-wol] = May
- 유월 [yu-wol] = June
- 칠월 [chil-wol] = July
- 팔월 [pal-wol] = August
- 구월 [gu-wol] = September
- 시월 [si-wol] = October
- 십일월 [sip-i-rwol] = November
- 십이월 [sip-i-wol] = December
How To Learn Months In Korean
It is super easy to learn the names of months in Korean once you know Sino-Korean numbers 1 to 12. The word for ‘month’ in Korean is 월 [wol], and the name of each month in Korean is simply the number of that month plus 월. For example, the first month is January, and so January in Korean is 일 (one) + 월 (month) = 일월 [i-rwol]. Easy right?
One important thing to note is that the months of June and October are pronounced a little differently. June is the sixth month, and ‘six’ is 육 in Korean. But June is not 육월 but rather 유월 [yu-wol]. And October is not 십월 but rather 시월 [si-wol].
How To Pronounce The Months In Korean
Here is a useful video to help you learn how to pronounce the Korean months of the year. Each month is read aloud by a native Korean speaker.
Months In Korean PDF

Months In Korean Quiz
Ready to test your knowledge of the names of months in Korean? Try the quiz below!