Movie Genres In Korean – 영화 장르
In this Korean vocabulary lesson, you will learn about movie genres in Korean. Everyone enjoys watching a good movie. Once you learn the Korean words for different movie genres, you’ll be able to talk about movies in Korean and what kinds of movies you like.
Below you’ll find a list of movie genres in Korean with the English meaning. You’ll also find some free flashcards, a worksheet, and some useful example sentences to help you talk about movie genres and the kinds of movies you like in Korean.
Related: Drama In Korean
Movie Genres In Korean
The word for movie genres in Korean is 영화 장르. Here is a list of movie genres in Korean:
- 공포 = horror
- 액션 = action
- 가족 = family
- 전쟁 = war
- 만화 / 애니메이션 = animation
- 코미디 = comedy
- 스릴러 = thriller
- 로맨스 = romance
- 뮤지컬 = musical
- 공상 과학 / 에스에프 = science fiction
Movie Genres In Korean – Flashcards and Worksheet

To help you learn these words for movie genres in Korean, you can download these Korean movie genre flashcards and a worksheet below.
Talking About Movies In Korean – Example Sentences
When talking about movies in Korean, you may want to ask someone about what kids of movies do they like and tell them about the movies that you like to watch. Here are some useful example sentences you can use to talk about movies in Korean.
어떤 영화 좋아해요? = What Movies Do You Like?

저는 공포 영화 좋아해요 = I like horror movies.

저는 액션 영화 좋아해요 = I like action movies.

저는 가족 영화 좋아해요 = I like family movies.

저는 전쟁 영화 좋아해요 = I like war movies.

저는 만화 영화 좋아해요 = I like animation movies.

저는 코미디 영화 좋아해요 = I like comedy movies.

저는 스릴러 영화 좋아해요 = I like thriller movies.

저는 로맨스 영화 좋아해요 = I like romance movies.

저는 뮤지컬 영화 좋아해요 = I like musicals.

저는 공상 과학 영화 좋아해요 = I like science fiction movies.

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