How To Say Beautiful In Korean – Informal And Polite Ways
If you’ve ever visited Korea, you already know that Korea is such a beautiful country! There are beautiful people, beautiful mountains, beautiful beaches, and lots of beautiful places to check out. So, learning how to say beautiful in Korean is incredibly useful. Read on to find out the informal, polite, and formal ways to say beautiful in Korean, plus some other related expressions such as “You’re beautiful”, “You’re pretty”, and “It’s beautiful.”
Beautiful In Korean
There are two adjectives used to say beautiful in Korean. These are 예쁘다 [ye-ppeu-da] and 아름답다 [a-reum-dap-da]. The main difference between 예쁘다 and 아름답다 is that 예쁘다 is more commonly used when talking about people, and 아름답다 is more commonly used to describe beautiful scenery.
Informal 1: 예뻐 [ye-ppeo]
The informal way to say beautiful in Korean is 예뻐 [ye-ppeo]. This is the adjective 예쁘다 (beautiful) conjugated into the Korean present tense without any polite ending. As this is the informal way to say beautiful in Korean, it should only be used with close friends, you’re boyfriend/girlfriend, or those much younger than you.
Informal 2: 아름다워 [a-reum-da-weo]
Another informal way to say beautiful is 아름다워 a-reum-da-weo]. Again, this is simply the adjective 아름답다 (beautiful) conjugated into the present tense without any polite ending.
Polite 1: 예뻐요 [ye-ppeo-yo]
The polite way to say beautiful in Korean is 예뻐요 [ye-ppeo-yo]. This is the adjective 예쁘다 (beautiful) conjugated into the Korean present tense with the polite ending 요 attached.
Polite 2: 아름다워요 [a-reum-da-weo-yo]
Another polite way to say beautiful in Korean is 아름다워요 [a-reum-da-weo-yo]. This is the adjective 아름답다 (beautiful) conjugated into the present tense with the polite ending 요 attached.
You Are Beautiful In Korean
Before we look at how to say “You’re beautiful” in Korean, it’s important to note that ‘You’ in Korean is not used in the same way that ‘you’ is used in other languages. In Korean, using the word ‘you’ is often seen as too direct and could even be considered rude. Pronouns like ‘you’ in Korean are often dropped and it is usually clear from the context who you are referring to. With that being said, here are the most common ways to say “You’re beautiful.” in Korean:
- 예쁘다 [ye=ppeu-da] (Dictionary Form)
- 예뻐요 [ye-ppeo-yo] (Polite)
- 예쁘세요 [ye-ppeu-se-yo] (More Polite / Honorific)
- 예쁘십니다 [ye-ppeu-sim-ni-da] (Even More Polite / Formal)
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